sheriff sheriff sheriff


I meant to update yesterday but I didn't have time at work, and once I was home I didn't have the energy. I went to Boy's Tae Kwon Do tournament (a tournament in only the loosest sense) right after work yesterday (with Francisco--he got home earlier than expected!) and it sapped my will to live. This is only because Boy didn't do well and got frustrated and Sort of hurt his toe, but he made a huge deal out of his "injured" toe, because he was crying out of frustration and needed an excuse to cry. He didn't mention the toe at all after we got home, and that confirms my theory. This tournament consisted of "forms" competitions and then sparring competitions. The kids are all pretty lame still--they've only been in the class a few months--so the trophies handed out to the winners were basically encouragement trophies. Boy did alright with the form he did, but the girls in the class swept the forms awards; they were all light years better than the boys. It was during the sparring that Boy "hurt" his toe; he was clearly unwilling to get too close to his opponent--he didn't want the kid to score on him--so he was unable to score either. Anyway, blah blah blah, it was all sort of tedious and unpleasant. The teacher was still fascinating to watch, though. That guy is one of a kind. Also? I don't know how he keeps from laughing his ass off at some of the things the kids do. I know I'd laugh if I were him.

This morning I carefully poured coffee into my West Wing travel mug, added just the right amount of milk and sugar, and left it sitting on the counter. I figured out I had left it when I had gotten too far towards work to go back for it. The moment of discovery sounded something like this:

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOhohohohohohohohohohohahahahahahahahahahahahahaha......" [started laughing at myself, see]

It was a sad situation, but fortunately I had impulsively grabbed a Dr. Thunder (Dr. Pepper knockoff) from the fridge this morning, so that was my caffeinated substitute. It wasn't nearly as good. It was kind of gross, actually.

Monday morning when Boy and I left to take him to school, the neighbors' puppy was out, and she was so excited to see us. She was frisking around the car and the thing is, she's so small there was no way to see her from the inside of the car. And the neighbors weren't outside at all, so they couldn't call her. I had to pick her up and take her to her house and knock on the door (3 times before they answered) and give them to her, because I just Knew I'd run over her otherwise. This made us later and made me smell like dog, so I was irritated. I griped all the way to Boy's school, and as usual there was a long backup to get into the school to drop him off. There was a sheriff directing traffic, like always, but this time he was sort of hunky. I commented on this and Boy started doing this thing where he'd sing, "Sheriff sheriff sheriff", while doing that Brittney Spears forearm in front of the face move. I cannot describe it better than that, so hopefully you know the one I mean. And do you know, that cheered me right up. I went to work laughing instead of bitching. That Boy is priceless.

Speaking of him, he has decided he wants to be a tapeworker. Like a metalworker but with tape. I told him he could make wallets out of duct tape, and he was Off! I got some girls from the Getcrafty Glitter boardto give me more duct tape projects, and there was this one especially good website link. Boy looked at it last night and is jazzed up. Francisco is going to buy him a 3 pack of duct tape today. Might as well encourage this creativity while it lasts.

Yesterday I heard on NPR that David Sedaris's play, The Santaland Diaries, is coming to Raleigh next month, and I am So excited. I want all 3 of us to go, because I'll bet Boy would like it, and I want to start taking him to plays anyway.

Also, have you heard about that VH1 show, Rock The House? I'm curious. It's a fabulous concept but I have the feeling the follow-through won't be as good. Has anyone seen it, and if yes, is it good? I mean, come on. Rock stars redecorating houses? Great concept.

For Thanksgiving we're probably going out to dinner, but possibly we'll stay home and just have something easy for dinner--no big turkey dinner for us. This week I have heard from 2 separate sources about Turducken, which is a boneless turkey stuffed with a boneless duck that has been stuffed with a boneless chicken. Pffft, is that all? To really get my attention the chicken would have to be stuffed with a boneless game hen, stuffed with a hamster. I rest my case.

We have 3 unwatched Netflix, so those will surely get watched this weekend and I know I'll be working on xmas projects (gifts). Francisco's sister talked to him today and requested that we not exchange gifts with them (we can give the baby something, but not her and her husband). This is fine with me, though I did have some fun things in mind to give them. There are always birthdays.....

I think that's all I have to say today. I can always update from home this weekend. Whatever you do tomorrow, have a great day.


E |


come over some time & see me - 2011-02-25
let's not say goodbye - 2011-02-23
the Rachel Zoe collection - 2011-02-10
I feel happy today - 2011-02-04
the tiny snow stalker - 2011-01-25

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