bacon thumb


Gotta hurry this entry because I'm leaving early today to give blood, and I have more work to do before I leave than I can really get done. Still, I'm taking this time to update--do you see how committed I am?

This giving blood thing has me a wee bit apprehensive, but not too. Last time I gave blood (SEVeral years ago), I had a bad experience that necessitated having to lay on the table extra-long and breathe into a paper bag. I think it will be better this time, because I'm more used to having blood taken, what with having to have my thyroid levels checked periodically. I'll let you know how it goes.

You know the choking dreams I've talked about? The ones where I'm choking on inappropriate objects? Yeah, I don't really have those anymore. They have been replaced by me waking up in a panic. I don't know what it is I'm dreaming when I wake up, but I have been waking up suddenly during the night, sitting straight up in bed, gasping, with my heart racing. It takes awhile to calm down, and this has been happening almost every night. I've also been dreaming that my house has been broken into, and I dreamt that kind of thing twice last night. The first time I dreamt I went into the living room and the door was open. It was not only open, but there was a hole where the doorknob used to be. I was really scared that whoever got in had abducted Boy, but he was okay. That dream felt really Real. The other dream I had was that I had fled with Boy to a motel somewhere, because his safety was in jeopardy. We were in the motel room and someone started trying to get in the door. I was trying very hard to scream but I couldn't make any noise. I woke up before the person actually got into the room. Sleep has been kind of sucking lately, which is sad because I So Enjoy good sleep.

Boy had a teacher workday yesterday, and Francisco stayed home with him. They had a fairly good day until Boy came in from playing with the neighbors--he came in because he had gotten a sliver. He and Francisco tried to get it out with tweezers but couldn't, so Francisco said he would have to use the needle. Boy got hysterical--he went totally ape shit--so Francisco ended up backing off about the needle and going to Plan B. Plan B involves placing a small (very small) piece of bacon over the sliver and bandaiding it overnight. In the morning the sliver is supposed to squeeze out more easily. I know this sounds totally Trailer Park and/or old-wives-tale superstitious, but it actually works, and it pretty much worked this morning when Boy got up. He sort of had to use the needle a little bit himself (I guess it's less scary if he does it himself), but the sliver emerged. I made him wash his thumb really good in the shower, and I applied neosporin, because I can't imagine it's Healthy to have a piece of bacon on a breach in the skin, but my mom used the bacon on my slivers when I was a kid, and nothing bad ever happened. Thanks, mom, for Plan B; I don't know what we would've done without it. Probably we would've needed restraints and a ball gag.

I started knitting a scarf this weekend, a la Real Simple magazine's recent article. I love that magazine. I haven't knitted in a long time, but I know the basics. HowEVer, years ago my friend, Isabel, taught me a sort of different way to hold the yarn while knitting that makes it much quicker, and for the life of me I can't remember how to do it. If you knit, you know how you have to kind of stop to put the yarn through the needles, with every stitch? It's slow. Isabel's way involved holding the yarn accessible so that you can catch it with one of the needles and not have to wind it around. Does anyone know what I'm talking about, and if yes, can you refer me to a website that shows this yarn-holding technique? It's going to take me forever to knit this scarf with the winding way. I'm making it red and black striped; hopefully it will turn out.

Gotta run. Talk to you tomorrow, when I'm a pint low.


E |


come over some time & see me - 2011-02-25
let's not say goodbye - 2011-02-23
the Rachel Zoe collection - 2011-02-10
I feel happy today - 2011-02-04
the tiny snow stalker - 2011-01-25

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