sausage legs


This morning I had to put on pantyhose for the first time in months, and I'm remembering all over again why I hate them. I decided today that I need to go out and buy several pairs of pants so that I can wear skirts (and therefore pantyhose) less often. Tights are better, but it's still too warm here for those. I think I'll go to the Gap tomorrow at lunch and see what sale pants they have. Gap always has good sales.

Okay, our neighbor got a puppy last weekend, and it is unbeLIevably adorable. It's a chocolate lab and it's soooo tiny. I watch it from the window as it gambols through the grass and sniffs things and takes tiny puppy dumps on my lawn. It makes me really happy just to watch that fabulous puppy. Its face still has that kind of fuzzy look and I just want to kiss kiss kiss it.

Last night we got Chinese food, to celebrate my paycheck. I didn't think I was eating an excessive amount of the various things, but I ended up with "Hawaiian sickness". "Hawaiian sickness" is what our friend Jon used to complain of when he ate too much dinner. He would lay on our couch and hold his stomach and groan. He was from Hawaii, so he should know from Hawaiian sickness. The sickness went away in a little while, but it was unpleasant while it lasted. Meanwhile we watched the final M*A*S*H episode that we had taped from Sunday night and it was lovely. I think M*A*S*H has become my temporary replacement obsession after Iron Chef. It's like I'm on the rebound with M*A*S*H, but I think Survivor 3 will take its place. M*A*S*H is my transitional obsession.

And by the bye, I found out today that Survivor 3 has its contestant list up now, and I spent some time perusing it. I hope the contestants are not as disappointing as they look, in general--they mostly seem like weightlifters and beauty queens, but maybe they'll turn out to be more than that. There is one guy I think I'll choose as a preliminary favorite, based on his biography and list of favorite things--Ethan. So many of his favorites are favorites of mine that I can overlook him choosing a hackysack as his luxury item. Plus I like his hair and occupation (soccer player). Survivor 3 starts October 11, and I can hardly wait!

I think I'd like to get a tattoo of a scarab on my upper arm, the left one. Scarabs come in so many different gorgeous colors, and aren't they good luck or something? Our tattoo artist still hasn't resurfaced; I wonder where he is. If anyone out there knows the whereabouts of Tom Blackmor or the new location of Choice Peach tattoo studio, formerly in Carrboro, NC, please drop me a line. I know there are other good artists in this area, but I would rather stick with Tom--I trust him.

I have a phone date with my friend Isabel this evening, and it will be great to talk to her. I think I'll also try to get ahold of my sister because I haven't talked to her in forever and I want to know what she's doing. It was so much better when I lived 40 minutes from her; I wish we were still that geographically close. She told me she is going to visit over Thanksgiving, but I'm not sure if that's still the plan. Lavalamp, where are you?!

Yesterday I accompanied Francisco to campus, and to the department he's enrolled in, and I observed people greeting him very enthusiastically and wanting to know what he's been doing, and I suddenly realized something: He's officially an "old man on campus"! People in his same program who are not as far along as he is look up to him; he is well known and well liked. I hadn't seen him interacting with school people for a long time, and I just didn't know he'd attained that stature. It was wonderful to see that.

Our office is trying to choose between two different candidates for a job opening, and that is a good thing. The reason it's good is because we get to take the candidates to lunch, separately, to try and decide who to hire. We're taking one to lunch on Friday and one to lunch on Monday. There are only two flaws in the plan, for me personally. 1) I still have to pretend to be a vegetarian when my boss is around, so that limits my menu choices and 2) My boss always chooses the restaurants we go to and he is a very unadventurous eater. However, I know it'll still be totally fun, and the best thing is the office pays for the lunches. The office rarely springs for anything, which is why the lunches are even noteworthy. So different from my last job where the office paid for tons of stuff. I miss that place sometimes.

WOW! I was just going to wrap this up when I got a mote of death in my right eye. If you wear contact lenses you are probably very familiar with things getting under your lenses, and you might even know what I mean by 'mote of death'. Most things that get in my eye are annoying but not particularly painful, but every so often something will get in that will be so intensely painful that I must immediately claw the lense from my eye. These are motes of death and I just returned from the bathroom where I rinsed the lense I had clawed out and returned it to my eye. I'm glad those are few and far between. My eye is very red; I look like a stoner. Is 'stoner' still in use? I don't know what the updated slang word for a pothead would be. Pothead, maybe?

I'm going to go home and rest my eye now. Get lots of sleep and all that. Love to you,

E |


come over some time & see me - 2011-02-25
let's not say goodbye - 2011-02-23
the Rachel Zoe collection - 2011-02-10
I feel happy today - 2011-02-04
the tiny snow stalker - 2011-01-25

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