six main points


I don't know; just a few things today.

1) Did you hear about those parents who have either just had a baby or are expecting a baby, and who are trying to find a sponsor to pay them for naming the baby a product name? Like, they're willing to name their baby "Heintz" or "Microsoft"--you know, ANYthing--and they have apparently started the bidding at half a mil. I don't even need to comment on this sad enterprise; I imagine we would be in agreement, you and I. Or maybe not, but we don't have to agree on EVerything, right?

2) Normally I get really peeved when manufacturers of feminine hygiene products come out with new and "improved" stuff; "wings" on pads, for instance (worst invention ever). But can I just say, packaging tampons with super, regular, and light all in one box is, in my opinion, a pretty good idea.

3) There is not much that is yuckier than a dry nectarine, and I've had two in the past two days. [Dry as in non-juicy, not dry as in purposely dried] It's hard to tell they're dry until you bite them, and then it's too late. Dry oranges are yuckier than dry nectarines, but not by much.

4) A few weeks ago I was listening to NPR and there was a discussion about immigration, and how people immigrating illegally from Mexico and Central/South America are being severely taken advantage of and even abused by "coyotes"--guys they pay to smuggle them into the U.S. It's really bad for the people immigrating, to the point where the INS has opened a special branch to try and prevent the abuses happening, or failing that, to try and catch the "coyotes" who are the problem. I really feel for people who are trying to get into the U.S., because even though, yes, they're doing it illegally, they are only doing it so they can try and improve their miserable, poverty-stricken lives. I don't think many of us can imagine how poor people are in other countries, especially compared to overprivileged U.S. citizens. NPR interviewed a Mexican man who wanted to immigrate to the U.S., and he said, "Why are you preventing us from coming in? We don't want to break your laws; we just want the jobs you don't want." I think that is a very powerful statement, and I can't get it out of my head.

5) Guy de Maupassant kicks ass. His short stories knock me out, they are so good. He wrote in the 1700s, in France, and even though his stories are set in such a different time, they are still amazingly poignant, because mainly what he wrote about was human nature, and that hasn't changed. I think 'Ball of Fat' is my favorite story of his; it's really good. If you need some summer reading, you should totally check a collection of his short stories out of the library. What've you got to lose?

6) Two things I forgot to mention about the naked 5K. A) There were several members of the local fire dept. there (presumably in case one of the racers had a heart attack or something), and they looked very uncomfortable. They were clothed, by the way. They were kind of holding their bodies very rigid and probably hoping very hard that no one needed medical attention. But then they stayed around until the awards ceremony was over, so maybe they loosened up or something. B) There was a woman there who ran the race in a lace teddy and a feather boa. I thought that was kind of amusing until I saw her two hours later, still flouncing around in the outfit. Lingerie has no place at a nudist ranch. Lingerie screams out for lacivious attention, and nudism is not about that. So open letter to her, whoever she was:

Dear Pink Teddy Girl,

Not cool.



I think I'm done for today. I'm feeling a little distanced from reality at this moment, so not a lot of flow in this entry, but I did my best. And goshdarnit, when a person does their best, that's all they can do. All you can do is all you can do; am I right? Can I get an amen?

Love to all,

E |


come over some time & see me - 2011-02-25
let's not say goodbye - 2011-02-23
the Rachel Zoe collection - 2011-02-10
I feel happy today - 2011-02-04
the tiny snow stalker - 2011-01-25

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