ixnay on the illsburypay oughboyday


I found out two things just a few minutes ago.

1) If I stand in the upstairs bathroom at work and press my ear to the wall adjoining my boss's office, I can hear his private conversations. I probably will not take advantage of this knowledge, but it's good info to have nonetheless.

2) Lots of people know this already, since this apparently came out on May 22, but I just found out that the Living Colours weblog is a fake. That Kaycee girl never existed and hence did not die on May 14. I had perused that site once or twice but was never really invested in it, so while I am surprised by the news, I am not crushed or anything. I feel sorry for the people who were really attached to the fake Kaycee, because there were a lot and they were very sad about her "death". I am having trouble deciding whether the person who faked Kaycee's existance is evil, or an evil genius, but that's my love for subversive activities coming out. [BTW, if you were previously unaware of the hoax (as I was) and are curious, you can get more information at the NY Times website.]

I don't have anything else today. My entry from this morning may have promised something better for this afternoon, but I'm just very very tired and I have to stop writing now so I can get some more caffeine into my body.

Love to you,


PS If you like frozen waffles then I urge you to not buy Hungry Jack waffles, because they have the Pillsbury doughboy stamped into them, and that's just wrong, people. Plus the waffle indentations are too shallow and they are not good for open-faced peanut butter waffle sandwiches. That is all. |


come over some time & see me - 2011-02-25
let's not say goodbye - 2011-02-23
the Rachel Zoe collection - 2011-02-10
I feel happy today - 2011-02-04
the tiny snow stalker - 2011-01-25

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