orange soda and various


Does anyone know if Sunkist or Crush make a diet orange soda? Because I can't find diet orange anywhere but I have rediscovered the joy of orange soda and I must drink it. I don't want all the sugar that goes with the regular (even though it is so, so sweet and delicious)--I want the chemicals of diet, so if anyone knows anything, please pass it on.

I am feeling extremely unentertaining today. I have started this entry three times but have deleted each time due to it being boring as hell. Even the fact that it is San Niceforo's day, AND a Friday, doesn't help. I think the problem is (without going into much detail) that yesterday I saw a doctor who wants to do some additional tests on me for something that could potentially be pretty scary. I am really very certain that I do not have the scary thing he thinks I could potentially have, but there is the slight doubt in the back of my mind (where I shoved it) that maybe I do have the thing. The tests I go in for aren't until March 15th, so that's a long time to wait and feel slight doubt and worry. This is putting a substantial cramp in my usually high spirits, but I will try to overcome so that you, the reader (no, literally, you the One reader) will not have to suffer. Bear with me, my shadowy comrade. Raise your fist in solidarity with my temporarily not as interesting state; I will improve.

A coworker and I are orchestrating a small, brief cocktail party for our office directly after work tonight, so I have a delicious rum and coke to look forward to in just 3 short hours.

A few things that make me happy:

rum and coke

my cats

laying in bed while reading

dried apricots (a mixed blessing, as they also make me gassy)

birds at my window feeder

story people (

The Stand

CBS Sunday Morning

smoked salmon

TJ Maxx


I must go into detail about the tantrums, because they are worth the exposition. I think tantrums thrown by very small children (under 3 years old) are among the funniest shows on earth. Not for their parents, I'm sure, but I as an innocent bystander find great amusement in them. My favorites are when the child falls to the ground and cries and screams and then, when the parent tries to set the child on his/her feet again, refuses to put his/her feet on the ground. That is the Best! Small children are just concentrated will in action, and their impotent efforts are so funny to me. Go to a mall at around 1:00 any day of the week and you will witness some tantrums. By 1:00 the kids are hungry and tired, and that's when all conditions are go. It's like you're in tantrum alley.

An observation: chiclets are the best gum because they have the highest sugar to gum ratio. That is all.

Going to go back to work now, or at least going to pretend, so I will leave you with some of my most favorite old tv show dialogue. It is from Happy Days, which I was never a Huge fan of, but it had its moments.

Howard, finishing a rant: "...I didn't just fall off a tomato truck, you know!"

Marion: "You did once, Howard."

Howard: "I was Pushed, Marion!"


E |


come over some time & see me - 2011-02-25
let's not say goodbye - 2011-02-23
the Rachel Zoe collection - 2011-02-10
I feel happy today - 2011-02-04
the tiny snow stalker - 2011-01-25

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