medicinal shrine, Stephen Colbert, federal bloodsuckers


All hail the power of Levoxyl, King of the Medicines!! I think I will build a shrine. Here's the thing--almost a year ago I noticed I didn't have the energy I used to, and I was slowly gaining weight. I sort of chalked the lack of energy up to the weight gain, but despite all the exercise and dieting I did, I was unable to lose even one freaking ounce. Everything that had worked during past weight-loss campaigns was not working; naturally that was very very discouraging. Last summer I started feeling even more tired so I finally went to the doctor and told him my symptoms. Not surprisingly he talked about depression and stress (doctors Always talk about depression to women, but then again I guess we do have a lot to be depressed about sometimes--not the least of which is sexist doctors), but luckily he also gave me a blood test which showed my thyroid to be running slow. He thought it might bounce back without medication, and a follow-up test was scheduled for 4 weeks later, and by that time I was so exhausted all the time that I didn't want to get out of bed. Seriously, walking around the supermarket made my legs tremble. The follow-up blood test showed me to be definitely hypothyroidic, and I got medication: the aforementioned levoxyl. The dose he put me on made me feel better than when I had the tremble-legs, but still didn't make me feel like I had before the whole thing started.

So last week I took matters into my own hands and upped my dose by 25 mcg, and NOW I feel normal!! I had planned to go to the doctor in a few weeks, tell him what I had done, and request another blood test, but Francisco says I shouldn't, because they'll just scold me and tell me to lower my dose. "Well," I said, "What will I say when they note that my prescription has run out faster than it should have? What then, smart guy?" "Tell them you lost a few pills, that they fell out of the bottle at a sewage treatment plant, so of course you couldn't pick them up." Damn that Francisco, why must he always be right? I'm not worried about my self-medicated dose being too high, because if it's too high I will start to feel unpleasantly hyper and will experience other symptoms, and if that happens I will drop back down to the prescribed dosage. I'm not stupid, I don't want to ruin my health. So don't email various chidings to me; I know what I'm doing.

Anyway, enough of that because I'm sure it's not that interesting to others, but having a sluggish thyroid has been a huge part of my life (as a hindrance) for the past 10 months or so, so I thought I would just praise the levoxyl and move on.

And moving on, I must say that I love the MTV show Jackass. Actually "love" might not be exactly right. I'm fascinated by the show--I think it is hilarious--but it is also disgusting and when it is disgusting it's more a matter of not being able to look away than it is a matter of loving it. Another show I love (truly love) is The Daily Show, on Comedy Central. Jon Stewart is great, but I like his "correspondents" even more, particularly Stephen Colbert. I loved him on Strangers With Candy, and I love him on the Daily Show. I think he's one of the funniest people on television. His "report" from "the convention floor" (they're never really where they're supposed to be) on the last day of the Republican Convention made me cry with mirth. And I'm not a big crying-laugher. You really must watch if you're not already; I exhort you.

I got my teeth cleaned yesterday and it wasn't too bad. I have a little gum recession on a few teeth, and when the hygenist hit those spots with her little scrapy-scraper, oh my God, the shooting shivers! But otherwise it was fine and it gives me a sense of well-being to have clean teeth, and I feel like a grown-up too. Sad that I don't Always feel like a grown-up--I am 33 after all--but I really don't.

I am nauseous. I just got my check and, though I was aware that there is a large disparity between my gross income and net income, for some reason I had never really examined the disparity very closely. Until just now when I figured out that from various tax and insurance deductions I am paying out TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS per year. Not to get too personal, but this is about one-third of my gross income, which seems pretty excessive. How could I not have known this?! I am an idiot, but the thing is, even if I Had known, there's nothing I can do about it. I have to pay taxes and for health and dental insurances and all that shit. I guess my ignorance up until now was just self-protection.

I am probably stating the obvious here, and my apologies to teen and pre-teen girls everywhere, but Ricky Martin is definitely gay. There's a total vibe to him, and also (maybe this is just me putting my own twist on things) his "she bangs" song makes a reference to a "daisychain". I had already thought he is gay but that reference seals the deal. Not that there's anything wrong with him being gay (please see diary entry number one) but I think it's too bad he has to live a lie in order to make girls buy his albums.

The Boy is going to spend the night at a friend's house on Friday night and Francisco and I are going to see a movie. Actually it is so rare that we get to see a grown-up movie that I am pushing to see two of them, and I want them both to be R-rated. Francisco is balking at the two movies plan, as he says it gives me a headache to see one movie, let alone two. While that is generally true, I would be more than happy to suffer a headache in order to see a couple good flicks. I would kind of like to see Cast Away, even though I've heard it bogs down at the end, but it's only PG-13, so forget it. I want to see Snatch for sure, and one other good and R-rated one. Any suggestions?

Ciao darlings! Superficial kisses,

E |


come over some time & see me - 2011-02-25
let's not say goodbye - 2011-02-23
the Rachel Zoe collection - 2011-02-10
I feel happy today - 2011-02-04
the tiny snow stalker - 2011-01-25

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