this shell's for you, Kyle


I just got an email with the subject line, "tattoobelly, enlarge your penis NOW!". That would be quite a trick, yes? This is one of the less foul of the emails I get on a regular basis. Generally I get at least one email per day along the lines of "Secretaries giving head for promotions". To my work email address, so the tech guys must think I'm a total ho.

Not much to report because basically I just watched RW last night and saw it through to the bitter end. Almost no one came across as a nice person on this season, and I particularly despise Kyle. I want to smash his face with a conch shell, or a brick if a conch shell is unavailable*. This only person on RW Chicago that I would consider knowing in person is Chris; he seems like a genuinely good person--or at least the only one who seems to actively work at self-improvement. But actually it's stupid of me to make all these pronouncements when so many things happened in that house that ended up on the editing floor. Maybe they are all nice people who were edited to look ridiculous and immature. Except Kyle, who I think must be exactly the way he came across. I think I should under no circumstances watch the next season of RW because 1) I am 34 and 2) I don't want to get sucked into a whole other season. It takes up too much time.

Last night I also did laundry and roasted some red peppers and other various small things. My Peppers album was Not waiting for me when I got home, so hopefully I'll get it today, and tonight should be more productive, at least until West Wing is on.

Our boss has recently approved the idea of summer flex time, so starting next week I have the option of working 4 10-hour days and having an extra day off. I can choose my day off on a weekly basis and I'm thinking I might choose Wednesdays for most of the summer, because that way I'll only have to suffer through 2 days of work at a time. Also, we just hired someone and she'll start 8/5, which will lighten all our workloads. Still, I am hating work lately. Every little thing seems like the hardest thing ever, when really it isn't. I think this is a result of having been on vacation for such a long time. I hope it will go away soon.

How is Your job going?



* I am not violent in real life; just in my head. And mainly just towards Kyle and people who aggravate me when I'm driving. |


come over some time & see me - 2011-02-25
let's not say goodbye - 2011-02-23
the Rachel Zoe collection - 2011-02-10
I feel happy today - 2011-02-04
the tiny snow stalker - 2011-01-25

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