again with the nighttime shenanigans


People, she did it again! Lucy got the nighttime crazies last night and kept me awake for at least an hour, starting at about 3:30. She was walking on me and trying to make me get up and fill her bowl, and then she commenced barfing. She barfed 4 times, in different places in the house, and I would be very concerned about this except that this morning when I did get up and get her some food, she was right there with her eager face and upraised happy tail. So I think she must be okay, because if there was something wrong with her she wouldn't have wanted to eat. Right? I hope that's right. In between barfings she maliciously crinkled a cellophane wrapper that was in the bedroom trash can, and the upshot is I slept badly and woke up with a real, honest to god headache, the kind I faked last Friday. So karma got me again, but I came to work today anyway. On the way to work there was a traffic slowdown that added 30 minutes to my drive, and I never even saw an accident or anything. We crawled along forEVer, and then suddenly traffic started going faster again. This is irritating. If something is slowing me down I want to at least know what it is. I would prefer wreckage and mayhem, but if not that, then at least some physical indication of why traffic was virtually stopped, when usually it is a clear drive. Is this so much to ask?

The past couple of days I've been trying to fight off the family cold. On Sunday morning I woke up with a hint of Cold Throat. I ran out and bought echinacea and vitamin C and some of those zinc lozenges, and I've been taking pills and sucking lozenges, and I think I thwarted the cold. I have a stuffy nose but that's about it, and it's not too bad. I highly recommend the echinacea, etc. The AtomicFriends talked about it and they were Right.

My boss was rude and assy to me this afternoon for no good reason, and then 15 minutes later he was in my office, sucking up to me so that I'd proof-read something for him. I was sweet and nice and agreed, and then I proof-read that hell out of it. Cross-outs everywhere! He has a wordy, passive style, so I had a lot to work with. Too bad I don't own a red pen.

The Boy has been funny lately. I cut his hair this weekend and when I was cutting it he said, "I need a sibling. That way you wouldn't pay so much attention to me." [this was because we keep careful track of how he's doing in school, and also we make him read for a certain amount of time per day--stuff like that] I told him we're not getting any more kids; that he is perfect and we don't need anyone else hanging around. Then, because I was curious, I said, "How would you feel if your mom or dad had another child?" Without much of a pause, and while rubbing his eyes, he said, "I. Would. Kill it.". We laughed for at least a minute together, and then he said, "That joke was all in the timing. If I've learned nothing else from you, I've learned comedy." This pleases me very much.

Only 3 more days until I get my tattoo! I decided this morning to take the whole day off on Friday, because I remembered that my driver's license is expiring on Friday. I'll get that renewed in the morning and get my tattoo in the afternoon. Maybe in between those two things I could get Francisco to have lunch with me; I need to eat before the tattoo, it is a requirement. I'll have to think about what I want for lunch Friday night I'll just probably sit around in my pajamas, trembling vaguely from the endorphins and watching a DVD. Or something. It's what I did after my last tattoo. Takes me a long time to stop trembling; I think it's from clenching every muscle in my body during the whole tattooing process.

So it's taken me a long time to get this written today. I've been IMing with friends and doing some real work, though not much. Tomorrow I have to get more done, because I'm somewhat behind, but it'll be okay. I'll catch up. I'm very glad this is only a 4 day week for me. Though if I'd gotten yesterday off and had a 3 day week, that would've been better.

Talk to you later.


E |


come over some time & see me - 2011-02-25
let's not say goodbye - 2011-02-23
the Rachel Zoe collection - 2011-02-10
I feel happy today - 2011-02-04
the tiny snow stalker - 2011-01-25

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