chick tract fever, nuh nuh nuh NUH


Holy moly, oh man oh man, I am so excited right now I can barely type! Soupstain wrote an entry today in which he links to the Chick Tract site. [Francisco, are you reading? The Chick Tract site! Get your ass over to Soupstain's place and click that link, pronto.] I ordered a catalog and then I saw where we could order one of every tract for only $10 total. $10!! Holy crap, it's like an early Christmas!

I should explain that Francisco and I were both heavily exposed to Chick Tracts when we were children (HEavily exposed), and now that we are no longer religious, the tracts have assumed cult status with us. Francisco found one of the tracts somewhere recently and we spent several minutes giggling over it and admiring the Chick Tract kitsch. I am So going to get every tract they have, and I am going to set up a special tract display at our house. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then I suggest you look at the site, because maybe you've seen those things and you would remember if you saw pictures of them. Wow, I am so indebted to Soupstain, and now I feel really really bad for talking about you-know-what yesterday when I had promised I wouldn't. Notice how I didn't say it, because that would've been talking about it. Hush.

I dreamed this morning that I was fighting Jason from the Friday the 13th movies, and I won. I fought him in an auto mechanic shop and then I was doing acrobatics, and I was also trying to get to the beach. Francisco woke up early last night while I was still laying awake and told me that he had dreamed he was choking on ibuprofen I was trying to make him take. It would appear that the choking dreams are contagious.

A couple people have posted amusing bad children's songs on the guestbook, in case you would like to look at those. I have never heard the "stick the penknife in the baby's head" song, though I would Really like to learn it, and I Had heard the weenie man song, but not for a long time. Jen and Lorah are great!

Has anyone used any good-smelling mild floor cleaner they would like to recommend? I ask because, you know how we put new tile in the kitchen? Well, Francisco sealed it last Thursday, which I am happy he did because it makes the floor very shiny and nice, but the sealant stinks. It smells like B.O., actually, and though it has faded somewhat, I can still smell it pretty strongly. I want to see if mopping with a smelly-good cleaner would help, but it has to be mild so as not to actually strip the sealant from the floor and cause us to have to start over with the sealant and stench. Any suggestions?

What is your favorite jelly belly flavor? Mine would have to be either grapefruit or blackberry.

On a scale of one to ten, how morbid do you think it is to get up a pool at the office to guess what it is one of my coworkers has suddenly become deathly allergic to? [I know that's a dangling participle, but it's the best I could do with that sentence.] My coworker is allergic to something that was contained in a chocolate cake she had at a wedding, and a chocolate nutty buddy bar she ate yesterday. It is not nuts, I repeat, it is not nuts, and it is not chocolate. She has been tested for nuts and chocolate already and they came up negative. I am betting on coconut, because the nutty buddy contained coconut oil (the cone), and it's not unlikely the cake contained some coconut extract or something--fancy cakes have fancy ingredients. I would like to start a pool but I don't want to be thought ghoulish. I just like to bet on stupid things.

At my last job we used to start pools sometimes, and it was always just a few bucks each--nothing major. I won only once, and that was when we hired a new person whose age we could not determine. You know you can't ask the age question in interviews but we were all curious, so we started a pool and I guessed 30, and she was 29 so I won. One person guessed 60, and she was so mortified she told me not to tell the new woman about the pool. Well duh! I'm not a total moron, ya know. Anyway, I really miss placing stupid bets; it made work much more interesting.

That's all I've got today, but I just want to mention that the spark is so unbelivably funny, I can hardly keep myself from reading it all day long. I don't know why I never found the site before, but man. Definitely worth reading.


E |


come over some time & see me - 2011-02-25
let's not say goodbye - 2011-02-23
the Rachel Zoe collection - 2011-02-10
I feel happy today - 2011-02-04
the tiny snow stalker - 2011-01-25

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